%%%left column info & old catalogue bits.
Under My Bed Recordings, is a No-Profit label based in Milan (Italy), founded in 2001.
Under My Bed is dedicated to home-recording productions. For us, do-it-yourself
is a choice and an attitude, not (only) a budget issue. Hence, we preferentially produce minimalist
folk, pop and, more rarely, electronic acts. We prefer to listen to Fe-magnetic supports,
but anything else would be simply fine.
We do love tapes indeed.
Contact us by
:E-mail or written correspondence for
information, material, interest or curiosity.
Personal comunication is deeply appreciated. We strongly encourage to send us tapes. However, please check our
demo policy,
before submitting your music.
Join the Under My Bed newsletter, The Winter Coat.
Currently at volume #19.
:Repress Series
My Dear Killer Clinical Shyness UMB#02.mkII |
Repressing on tape cassette of My Dear Killer's first long playing Clinical Shyness, in occasion of the 10th year
from its original release coinciding with ten years of activity of Boring Machines.
Clinical Shyness is a collection of six short songs and an instrumental piece. It is intimistic, alternative folk, constructed over
repetitive and almost ossessive guitar arpeggios, extremely feeble vocals and drenched in heavy texture of noises and feedbacks. Basically,
a rather remarkable portrait of skizofrenic loveless paranoia, as the title suggests. The present version of the record
contains subtly rearranged mixs of the original recordings and remastering for K7, all by MdK at MafarKa BoX. With Boring Machines(part of the
10 Anniversary series) and Old Bicycle. 50 Copies only.
[Don't] request it from our archive: it's Sold Out,
but, still available in the original CD edition.
My Shell The Bajkal UMB#023.mkII |
The Baijkal EP is the first full release of My Shell for Under My Bed,
following a string of contributions to our compilation collection. Although this record can be litteraly
decribed as no-fi, having been home recorded with shoebox cassette recorded, it remains a brilliant piece of
intimistic song-writing. We have been absolutely enthusiastic of this record through the years, and still are.
Having been impatiently awaiting in vain, for a more complete and, just a little bit more polished, collection of songs from this
outstanding act, we have remastered from the original tapes, and reissued the record in limited edition of 20 copies in 2017.
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ONQ Canzoni Tutte Uguali UMB#025.mkII |
Canzoni Tutte Uguali was released two years after from the publication of
Desein Ohne Leben by Bluesanct/Orphanology in 2002. ONQ returned then at its original form, that is that of a one-man-act, playing, recording, mixing and
composing all the songs appearing on the record. The record apparenty sound less full with respect with previous release in which the band appeard
as four-pieces. Yet, it just highlights one of the many different angles of the project, as it enriched by many subtle details,
tasteful electronic arrangements and by sampling. It was the fist (and only) record by ONQ sung in Italian
and involving the collaboration with female singers. Canzoni tutte uguali came with a
two-colour ink hand-stamped artwork, pressed on recycled manila paper: Each copy was then unique. It happened to be the last full-length release by ONQ.
To date. The original editon was long gone, before being repressed in a very limited
number of copies (15 only!) in 2017. That's now gone too.
[what the experts say of it ->]
[Don't] request it from our archive: it's sold out.
The Frozen Fracture Portraits of Wasted Youth In Distortion UMB#027.MkII |
Portraits of Wasted Youth in Distortion is the first release by The Frozen Fracture in over a decade. It is a collection of
four semi-improvisation portraits which were sketched by direct take on-tape recordings using low-edge analogical equipment. Damon and My Mistake was recorded using a VHS and a shoebox recorder,
Kim and Lorna, on a 4 track cassette recorder, which allowed minimal overdubs and additions. To maintain the directness of the approach, successive editing during mastering has been limited
to equalisation and volume adjustment. The core of this project is centred on the use of small-power solid state amplifiers driven on and above the saturation edge by cloned and modified distortion
units and line splitters so to obtain, in parallel and simultaneously, different ranges of saturation. The result are these four pieces catching different moods, mainly different shades of introspectiveness
and melancholy (Damon, Kim, Lorna), and more robust hue of inadequacy, such as in the noise drenched, My Mistake.The graphic design and the pressing of the graphics has been developed and performed by Cosimo Rosa (Luigi VonTurin). 19 Copies, CDr.
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:Back Catalogue
Burnt Circuits Kept Under My Bed UMB#040 |
Burnt Circuits Kept Under My Bed is 5th volume of Under My Bed compilations series;
this collection of provides a snapshot in time of the ever expanding in number and qualities of, mainly, italian
electro-acoustic and electronic scene. As in UMB tradition most projects involve minimalistic, DIY, Lo-fi, home-recorded deviated
pieces. Features: 1Erore, Deison, Stefano DePonti, Fabio Orsi, Luca Sigurta', Matteo Uggeri, Spring Makers, Von Tesla, st.ride, Architeuthis Rex, Apoteke, Marta DePascalis, Maurizio Abate, Carlo Giordani & Andrea Marutti, Mace., Metzengerstein + IOIOI, Tettu Mortu, Deep Grass. Limited
edition of 90 copies on K7, packed in an heavy recycled cardboard folder, ink stamped graphics, artwork by M. Uggeri inspired by
the user manual of the Ampex 601, portable two-track recorder. More info at dedicated website.
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My Dear Killer & Matteo Uggeri/Modern Day Monks Blind Tarots UMB#048 |
Blind Tarots is a split tape featuring the contribution of My Dear Killer & Matteo Uggeri (L'albero della Morte) and
Moder Day Monks (The Shade of The Living Lights). The two side of tapes are like two side of a coin, showing related somewhat
distant attitudes to appoach soft, minimilist, introspective folk. L'albero della Morte is a instrumental, half improvvisational
and broken rithm episod overlayed and blended by a mesh of field recordings and sampling. The shade of the living light can
as much be intended of unique composition, featuring a collection of sound sketched and songs. The tapes is hand stamped on
hearvy recicled cardboard boxes, enriched by three tartots card to interpret fortune as much as misfortune. Graphics by M. Uggeri. 50 Copies only.
[Don't] request it from our catalogue: it's Sold Out |
Lebenswelt Shallow Nothingness in Molten Skies UMB#049 |
Shallow Nothingness in Molten Skies is the first release by Lebenswelt in several years. It builds over, and restarts the journey from
where it left, at Out is The Cow, Staring at Life in Rain and Corners of a drowning faith . And it couldn't have been otherwise. The record is permeated by profound vein of melancholy,
that impregnates the melodies, through soft, respective, almost obsessive tunes dispersed in heavy reverberation, prepared guitars and sparse electronics.
Part of the envelope series, comes in manila textured envelope, acetate and heavy cardboard xerography inserts, limited to 29 copies, CDr.
[What the experts say ->] & more on Lebenswelt's website
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Attilio Novellino/Drekka/Simon Balestrazzi/Ennio Mazzon Quadrature UMB#050 |
Quadrature is a collection of four pieces, by four acts which were invited by Under My Bed to contribute at
this collective work because of sharing common attitudes with respect to music, that is experimenting with either concrete or electronically/digitally
generating sounds, and its making, having all pioneered and/or pursuing home recording as a form of creative freedom. The title, of this collective work
quadrature, stems from a common detection technique of electrical waveform, in which contribution from signal with are phase orthogonal can be separated
and monitored simultaneously. This is purposely reflected in the two sides of the tape in which, whereas the single tracks conserve the characteristic
expressive style of each of the contributing artists, a sense of almost constant flow and that of unity can be perceived. The end results is that of spacey,
dreaming and floating walk through sometimes alien sometimes factual ambient concluded by a sudden rhythmical and situational awakening.
The graphics has been designed by M. Uggeri. Limited edition of 70, numbered, copies on cassette.
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%%%right column catalogue news.
:What's new in this site
15/01/22 - Lebenswelt Unspoken Words CD, 300 copies
04/07/20 - Release: Stalingrad Cowboy Lightship Limited edition CD-r
01/05/20 - Distro: My Dear Killer Collectable Items, Boring Machines(BM99)
24/04/20 - Reviews: more collected reviews, so far, of Passaro, Presente, Nessun Futuro
11/03/20 - Broadcast: Passaro, Presente, Nessun Futuro on RAI RADIO 3 Battiti #1 and Battiti #2
01/03/20 - Distribution: Occulto Mazagine Issue 6: life + previous issues also available
15/02/20 - Release: A. Zanni's Passato, Presente, Nessun Futuro, CD + Photobook
18/12/19 - Broadcast: Dancing Marna on RAI RADIO 3 Battiti
18/12/19 - Release: MdK + TCOTR Dancing Marna, CD-r + Digital
Lebenswelt Unspoken Words UMB#058/Ouz#37 |
Unspoken Words is Lebenswelt 6th long release.
The record coherently develops the distinctive melancholic slow-core sound, made of floating screwdrivers-prepared guitars layering over minimal
loops, towards an increasingly upgraded songwriting dimension. In this occasion the recordings feature numerous contributions,
that extend the mesh of sound texture and donate specific colour to each track in the collections. The records feature the participation of Pall Jenkins
(Black Heart Procession, Three Mile Pilot) musical saw, marxophone, optigan and vocals, Richard Vincent Adams (Hood, The Declining Winter) basslines, Andrew Richards
(aka Richard Andrews, Uniform motion, Angle) vocals, as well as additional contributions by artists from Italian indie music scene: Antonella Amenduni on
vocals; Alessandro Calzavara (Humpty Dumpty) on guitar distorsions; Mauro Costagli (Monêtre, Lo-fi Sucks!) on drums; Luca Galuppini (ONQ)
on onqestrations; Giovanni Mastrangelo (Dana Plato, Favonio, Charmin? Elf) on contrabass and fretless bass guitar; Stephano Stephanowic (My Dear Killer)
and Valerio Sartori on electric guitars; Pier Giorgio Storti (Belaqua Shua, Morose) on mellotron, cello, clarinet, farfisa, Alessandro Zangani
(Monêtre, Lua) on pedal effects, Monome Norns, Op1.
In this sense, Unspoken Words marks the ultimate transition from an originally meant one-man-project to an actual collective, featuring Lebenswelt's
longtime friends and favourite artists, together here for the very first time. The original drawings appearing on the cover are kindly by Anat Zeligowski.
Released, together with Ouzel Records, on the 15th of January 2022.
Request it from our archive UMB
or from Lebenswelt's Bandcamp pages
Stalingrad Cowboy Lightship UMB#057 |
Lightship is the first release from Stalingrad Cowboy, a solo project of M. Laudati (Nasten'ka, My Shell, Buio Omega),
is composed of four dreamy, dilated, instrumental pieces setting their roots in shoegazing and post-rock atmosphere. Softly driven by standing waves the
lightship moves through reverberations of empty rooms, of desert location, of concrete multiblocks, until setting sail from some stony lake shores
towards the distant glow of the open sea at night. Edition of 33 copies, contained in manila colour xerographic printed envelope, mixed acetate-heavy
cardboard hand assemble insert.
Request it from our archive
or from UMB
and STNCWB's Bandcamp pages
My Dear Killer Collectable Items BM99 |
Collectable Items is the forth, and last, extended playing by My Dear Killer. This record closes an ideal tetralogy started with
Clinical Shyness (2006) and continued with The Electric Dragon of Venus (2013) and The Cold Plan (2018).
As the album's title suggest, Collectable Items is a collection of songs which have
been written over almost two decades. Some appeared previously on small-runs EPs, although they have been recorded afresh and entirely
re-arranged for this release, and some where written more recently. The record can be considered as divided in two long narrative episode.
The first, starts with Lessons in Hate and concludes itself with Tram, the second, starts from The Right to ask and concludes with
Stolen Teabags. Which are our treasure and all that we really have. As a customary trademark,
it consists in the combination of guitar noises and feedbacks (MdK & Lebenswelt) representing
the principal landscape to the songs, enriched, according to the dominant mood of the piece, by acoustic or synthetic strings (P. Storti, M. Laudati)
organs, keyboard or synthesiser (M. De Pascalis, G. Loffredo, M. Laudati) and, sporadically, samples.
Released by Boring Machines. (BM99)
[What the experts say ->]
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MdK's Bandcamp page
Adriano Zanni Passato, Presente, Nessun Futuro UMB#056 |
The latest work of Adriano Zanni entitled Passato, Presente, Nessun Futuro is a collection of acoustic and visual sketches gathered
in the first twenty years of the new millenium. It is then composed of a 100 pages photographic book, containing 90 snapshots (17X24 cm format)
and notes, associate to a compact disc featuring 13 tracks in which AZ played analogue and digital synthesisers, in combination with field recording
and samplings. It also features an appearance of MdK on Zone Temporaneamente Autonome, at the acoustic guitar. The combination of the visual
impact of the black and white photography and crystal-clear, almost, bewildering sounds accompaning them provides an almost unfiltered observation of the
transmutation of current society brought about by the steep diffusion of technology since the turn of the millennium. This is shown through pictures depicting the slow dissolution of
industrial plants, of nature regaining abandoned territory, when managing, and of people laying mainly on the margin of the scenarios
(when not too busy checking their so-called "smart" phone).
[What the experts say ->]
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or from UMB
and AZ's Bandcamp pages
My Dear Killer & The Cricket On The Radio Dancing Marna UMB#X3 |
Dancing Marna is single instrumental piece composed of different episodes featuring a collaboration between My Dear Killer (at acoustic guitar and tapes) and the
debut of The Cricket on The Radio (at DIY-electronic, tapes and sampling). It is inspired and represent a sort of tribute, as much as farewell, to "La Marna" an historical get-together location in
the lakes' land (pictured) which interest, especially for the younger, and business faded abruptly in the early 90s and the building itself is now to be demolished. The piece try to render, in
metaphorical and transfigured fashion, the feeling of fading fortune and goofy attempt at revamping the venue with improbable fashionable-dance programs. That said, the members of the bands step foot
just once in the place, but ironically enough, that's the occasion when they met.
Free download.
The 10 copies available as hand-assembled acetate paper cover Cdr are now gone. Still feeling generous?
Contribute throught the bands Bandcamp pages.
Morose Sopra il Tetto Sotto Terra UMB#055/RBS30 |
Sopra il tetto sotto terra is the sixth long playing by Morose, and the second in which the lyrics have been composed
in the native Italian language. Over more than 20 years of activity the act has developed a now refined, mature and very distinguishable in which
song-writing and complex yet ethereal harmonisations finds a subtly and exquisite balance. The records can be seen as collection of tales, in which
the characters attempt sometimes through tragic, sometimes through heroic, sometime through ironic efforts to comply and establish their own individual identity.
These story are told by weary poetic lyrics accompanied musically by sudden epiphanies, melancholic withdraws, rushes of protest and turmoil and, at the end,
of hopeless hopes. For the occasion Morose appear as a duo composed of project's founder D. Landini (Guitar and Voice) and long term band member,
multi-instrumentalist P.G. Storti (Mellotron, Clarinet, Electric Organ and Guitar, Cello). The record was released by Under My Bed and
Ribéss Records on the 3rd of May 2019.
[What the experts say ->]
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Lebenswelt Metaphysics of Entropy UMB#053 |
Metaphysics of Entropy is Lebenswelt's 5th long release. Although moving further in the way of the subtly pervasive
melancholic vein which characterises Lebenswelt writing, the present work concedes larger space to introspective song-writing,
as apparent from the five central songs forming the conceptual core of the record, and framed by two long instrumental tracks at
the opening (Unfinished Piece for Detuned Piano) and closing (Metaphysics of Entropy).
The record also contains the re-edition of the previously released Illusions Hold, by the hands of Belaqua Shua.
This work features the presence of several contributors: Pier Giorgio Storti (Belaqua Shua) on cello, clarinet, balalaika;
Stephano Stephanowic (My Dear Killer) on guitar-based noise feedbacks; Luca Galuppini (ONQ) on musical saw and Mauro Costagli
(Monetre, The Colours Seen From Behind, Lo-fi Sucks!) on drums. These additional contributions,
mainly at acoustic and electro-acoustic instruments, provide a discernible tinges and shades to the floating, dreamy, suspended atmosphere of the record.
[What the experts say ->]
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My Dear Killer The Cold Plan UMB#052 |
The Cold Plan is the third extended playing by My Dear Killer. It follows on the step of its two preceding works continuing
the journey and the exploration through often figurative locations which becomes here sometimes traceable on a physical map. The record moves across the
disassembling and atomisation of human being social relationships, having dystrophic isolation as an unavoidable destination. The tunes and harmonic scenery
are then designed to embrace the atmosphere of this quiet-yet-conscious desolation. The pieces are composed by an ever so minimal overlay of ambient, analogue
and synthetic landscapes, layered of soft, dilated, guitar tunes that leave the dense noises mesh which characterised previous MdK works just at the level of
sporadic episodes. The half-conclusive nature of the mixes serves to convey the nature of void and the unsolved feeling of dismemberment which pervades the record.
The Cold Plan is the result of the collaboration of S. Stephanowic (Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Voice, Tapes, Effect, Samples ) and S. De Ponti (Electric Guitar,
Double Bass, Synths, Samples). The graphics have been designed by M. Uggeri. The record will be released on the 28st of February 2018 by UMB & EeeE ,
and will be accompanied by a video excerpt for the track Skyscrapers, realised by Theodor Guelat.
[What the experts say ->]
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Sad Cambodia First Metheoretical Bulletin UMB#051/SIN037 |
First Metheoretical Bulletin, as name says, is the first release of Sad Cambodia, a collaboration duo composed by Stefano (My Dear Killer) and Massimo Onza (Wound).
The project was born with the aim of finding a common ground for expression, in an attempt of mixing analogue electronics and acoustic instruments, mainly guitars. Along this path, synths,
reverb pulses, objects, samples and noises met dispersed variations over acoustic string drawings. The result are these two tracks, which move towards keeping together the free-form tensions
with rarefied, at times, almost melodic parts, alienating passages and post-rock flavour spaces. To summarise the blending of discordant mixtures drifting towards melancholic horizons, we coined
the neologism Metheoretical, stemming from theoretical and meteorological. In our sad Cambodia, over the constant rain and heat of the monsoon, can you feel some distant bird singing in the forest?
You might, in this first bulletin. Coproduced by Under My Bed & Sincope .
[What the experts say ->]
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Previous Releases ---->
%%%the 2nd revolution starts here.
%%%the 1st revolution starts here.
- My Dear Killer
- My Dear Killer was born in the middle of the nineties as project aimed at
collecting minimalist song-writing, stratified on a mesh of noise, ambient and field recordings. The songs are built around few fragile
chords and whispered vocals, often drowned in a sea of feedback or accompanied by field recordings.
The last, and final, record entitled "Collectable Items" was recorded in collaboration with Giampaolo Loffredo, Marta De Pascalis,
Matteo Laudati e Pier Giorgio Stori, mixed with Attilio Novellino. It was released on the 1st of March
2020 and released by
Boring Machines.
- THEfogINtheSHELL started as a one-man-band. In the more classical Lo-Fi tradition it used
to compose, play and record its own songs on tapes in what possibly is the warmest bedroom in town: with a view on a garage.
Undoubtedly pivotal in the development of the Italian so-called bedroom scene, it gradually acquired a drummer, and subsequently grew
in a full band form, embracing influences of post-rock and the hard-core roots of founding and current members of the band. They first LP,
A Secret North was released by Dufresne records in 2004, followed by "A Secret South".
- Lebenswelt
- Lebenswelt began opearing as a one-man-band project, moniker for Giampaolo Loffredo after the experience on Joy of Grief.
The project bases is sounds on dilated. retitive, iterative melodies and words, through which screwdriver-preraped guitars set the
harmonic basis which holds the tune (de)construction. Lebensweth has released six long playing, the self-released in quick succession, Staring at life in the rain (2003),
Out is the cow (2004), Corners of a drowning faith (2006) and after a long iatus three more Shallow nothingness in molten skies (2016,UMB#49),
Metaphysics of Entropy (2018, UMB#53) and Unspoken Words (2021, UMB#58), all for Under My Bed.
- Under My Bed is absolutely delighted to host the ONQ website.
Luca Galuppini is the main promoter of the ONQ project, which started as,
and, more recently reacquired the form of, a one-man-band. Undoubtly one
of the most interesting musical project appeared on the Italian soil in
the last ten-twenty years. ONQ has a vast back-catalogue which is freely downloadable.
It has featured in several compilation and 7" mainly released abroad (Germany, U.K.,
and the US) while it has been substantially ignored in his own coutry: a crime
against intelligence.
- Morose
- Pointless as any other thing under the ruthless glance of the Sun and the pitying look of the Moon,
Morose was born in 1998.
The first recording consists of an untitled cassette, released by Italian indie label, Ouzel Records. After some short works
("Lifespace at a given moment", "Best regards from Hungary"), in 2003 Morose recorded their first full-lenght album:
"La mia ragazza mi ha lasciato" (Cane Andaluso, Ouzel, Under My Bed), then they toured Italy and had some gigs in in London.
In 2005 "People have ceased to ask me about you" (Suiteside) came to light, and some changes in the line-up took place.
The new album "La vedova d'un uomo vivo", for the first time sung in Italian, has been released in Italy (Boring Machine, Shyrec, Ribess)
and France (Travelling Music) in June 2009.
- My Shell
- My Shell is the solo acoustic project, of Matteo,
previously also in Nasten'ka and Buio Omega,
amongst the others. My Shell composes melancholic, slow, reflective ballads,
in which acoustic guitar, grandpiano and a feeble dash of voice
are melt together in a subtle harmonic blend. My Shell is
probably the most secretive and undisclosed pearl amongst Italian singer-songwriter.
:Hybernated & Exprired |
- Fong
- Listen to something that, according to this ensamble manifesto, does NOT exist: music.
- Belongs To Me
- Belongs To Me was a one-man-band performing a psycho-minimal spaced-out,
dreamy and, definitely compltely bonkers, lo-fi songwriting. Warning might be bizarelly addictive.
...Still alive in a new incarnation.
- Something Faded
- Low fidelity extended to indie rock. Deceaded.
- Nasten'ka
- Nasten'ka were the finest of the Lakes' land ancestors and early 90s local heroes pioneers. Deceased.
- The Frozen Fracture
- The Frozen Fracture was guitar stereo band, started as acoustic set-up but turned electric
shortly after. Over a period of almost ten
years, the band developped a distictive style exploiting the minimal organic ,
via chiseled evolution and variation of simple melodic
themes and metrical freedom in the absence of a rhythmic session
- Baggage Claim/Pillow
- Sleepwalking songwriting with classical and ambiental sample expansions. Hibernated.